How To Use

Tips for using the map

  • If you allow the use of your location the map will automatically attempt to centre on your location
  • You can zoom in and out of the map using your mouse scroll wheel, touchscreen gestures (pinch with 2 fingers) or the + and - icons in the top right of the map.
  • Press the layered button in the top right to switch between various map styles.
  • You will see coloured circles with numbers in them displayed on the map, which denote the number of venues in the area. While zoomed out they are clustered like this to prevent clutter and overlapping icons. As you zoom in they will break up into individual icons for each venue. You can also click on them to zoom in to the next level.
  • By clicking or touching on a venue icon you will see the venue's name and a thumbnail photograph (where available). Touch on this to inspect the venues photographs, accessibility information and other descriptions.

Other tips

  • All the photographs can be enlarged by clicking or touching them.
  • The charity has produced Key Facts to assist users about each specific Country and Region, which can be accessed in Key Facts

Search Venues

Venue Types

Show the map with only one venue type