All Saints Church, Claverley, Shropshire

❰ View on Map Updated: 4 years ago



  • Level access into porch & main nave 
  • Access to side chapels and top of chancel via sloped access 
  • Accessible toilets 
  • Only part not accessible is sanctuary (2 steps to it) 

Brief description

"All Saints Church is an Anglican parish church located in the heart of Claverley village in Shropshire. It is a grade 1 listed building. The church is said to have been a place of worship before Christianity came to Britain. With the the foundations under the the Chancel are thought to be of Roman origin, while the wooden church building was likely built onto the foundation some time during the 7th century. The yew tree just outside the north-east corner of All Saints is over 2,500 years old. 

All Saints Claverley extends a welcome to all. Whether you are rich, poor, married, divorced, elderly or new- born. There is a place for everyone in this church regardless of your circumstance or walk of life. The church currently offers a range of video talks and services. You can hear Revd Garry Ward speak on various themes from Daily Prayer & Talk, Holy Communion Ephiphany and Candlemas. Check out their website to check for upcoming events and talks. Sunday worship will take place online during COVID for safety reasons until further notice."


Claverley Drive





The Revd. Garry Ward MA

Church Wardens at Claverley

Martin Elcock

Vera Cox


01746 710304



From Claverley (3 minute drive/ 6 minute walk)

Head west towards Church Street for 0.1 miles 

Turn left onto Church Street for 0.2 miles 

The Destination will be on the right. 

Opening Times

Always check with the venue directly for up-to-date information including opening times and admission charges as they may be subject to change

Currently closed until further notice due to current COVID situation.

Service Times; Sunday worship will take place online during COVID for safety reasons until further notice

"1st Sunday of the Month

8.00am - BCP Holy Communion at Tuck Hill

9.30am - Common Worship Holy Communion at Claverley

6.30pm - Evensong at Claverley (4.30pm in the Winter)

2nd Sunday of the Month

8.00am - BCP Holy Communion at Claverley

9.30am - Common Worship Holy Communion at Claverley

11.15am - BCP Holy Communion at Tuck Hill

6.30pm - Evensong at Claverley (4.30pm in the Winter)

3rd Sunday of the Month

8.00am - BCP Holy Communion at Claverley

9.30am - Common Worship Holy Communion at Claverley


6.30pm - Evensong at Claverley (4.30pm in the Winter)

4th Sunday of the Month

8.00am - BCP Holy Communion at Claverley

9.30am - Common Worship Holy Communion at Claverley

11.15am - BCP Holy Communion at Tuck Hill

6.30pm - Evensong at Claverley (4.30pm in the Winter)

5th Sunday of the Month

8.00am - BCP Holy Communion at Claverley

9.30am / 11.15am - Joint Holy Communion - Alternate venues

6.30pm - Evensong at Claverley (4.30pm in the Winter)

Wednesday Morning

9.00am - BCP Holy Communion at Claverley"



Nearby churches: - 

Holy Innocents 

St Mary Magdalene

Nearby attractions: - 

Wild Zoological Park 

Halfpenny Green Wine Estate 

Comer Woods 

Accommodation/ Restaurants: - 

Red Lion Inn

Blakelands Country House 

The Old Vicarage Hotel 

Travel Information

For further travel information please see:

Or call Traveline on 0871 200 22 33
(Calls cost 12p per minute plus your phone company's access charge)