Abbeylands Methodist Chapel. Open for Services. Free Admission.

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A free gravel carpark is available to the side of the chapel, however surface is uneven to the chapel and may prove difficult for wheelchair users. There is a wide concrete step up to the main entrance but no ramp is available.

The chapel is locked to the public but there is a Sunday School and services every Sunday at 3pm open to the public. A number of additional community services and musical concerts are also available throughout the year (see website below for further details).

Brief Description:

A chapel originally built in 1813 and open for services since 1815.

Further Information


Lanjaghan Road, Abbeylands, Isle of Man, IM4 5ED

Email:  on 01624 674464  on 01624 674464


Contact its Ministers as shown above on 01624 674464


Opening Hours:

Open on Sunday for weekly service and for additional services throughout the year.


Abbeylands Methodist Chapel is approximately 3 miles North West of Douglas. From the centre of Douglas, it can be reached via the A22 (Ballanard Road) and then by continuing north for 1/3 of a mile along a minor road from a small crossroads at a sharp left-hand bend of the A22, where it will be found on the east side of this minor road at Ordnance Survey reference SC 369 801.



Best traveled to by car.

For information on public transport, contact Isle of Man Public Transport, Banks Circus, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 5PT

Telephone: +44 1624 662525 (Infoline)


No toilets are available on site.