St Mary's Church, Deerhurst, Gloucestershire. Open Daily. Free Admission.

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There is a small amount of parking available outside the church gate, with a car park a short distance from the gate.

A rough tarmacked path leads from the gate to the front door which has a step up to access.

There are wooden ramps to assist accessibility internally.

Internal flooring is tiled with a large metal grating down the centre of the aisle.

There is a step up to access the pews.

Brief description

8th Century Anglican Church, containing what is thought to be the oldest known wall-painting in any church in Great Britain. "A painted figure of Anglo-Saxon date has recently been discovered on a stone panel high up in the east wall of the nave.  The panel portrays a saint carrying a book in a veiled hand and is perhaps of 10th-century date.  It is in all likelihood the oldest known wall-painting in any church in Britain (the only other painting of comparable age is at Nether Wallop in Hampshire).  A publication is now available.  Visitors should be aware that virtually nothing can be seen from ground level."


Deerhurst, Gloucester GL19 4BX


via the website


01452 780880

Website and and


Leave the A38 at the cross roads at Highfield Business Park and take the B4213 towards Deerhurst.

After a short distance fork right following the signost for Deerhurst.

In the village turn right signposted for the church and the building is at the end of the road.

OS SO870299

Opening Times


Details of Services can be found HERE.





Travel Information

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