Western Swimming Pool - Peel swimming pool and cafe, and campsite, Admission Fees vary

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Western Swimming Pool is signposted on the main Peveril Rd/A4 and there are disability parking spaces available on site as well as a bus parking facility close to the main entrance. 

Inside there are disability changing rooms and toilets available, including an on-site hoist. 

Regardless of personal restrictions, Peel swimming pool offers a one-on-one training to meet all individual requirements.  

Brief Description:

Peel Swimming Pool offers professional training for children that wish to advance to a higher level.  



Western Swimming Pool, Derby Road, Peel, Isle of Man, IM5 1SW


There is no direct email however; please refer to this link on their website for email enquiries - 



01624 842525




On the north side of Derby Road (A20) on the eastern outskirts of Peel; car parking is available on-site.

15.3km North west from New Castletown Rd, Douglas, Isle of Man 

10.63 miles/17.1km from the centre of Douglas, via the A1 main road. Derby Road is the A20 road going east out of Peel.

SC 250839

Opening Times:

For the latest opening times, please consult the venue's website above.


Contact Isle of Man Public Transport, Banks Circus, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 5PT

Telephone: +44 1624 662525 (Infoline)  https://www.gov.im/categories/travel-traffic-and-motoring/bus-and-rail/

Accessible via car. 


Disability parking, toilets and changing facilities on site as well as an on-site hoist available to ensure everyone can gain access to the pool facilities. 

Specially qualified teachers for disability training. 

The Pool is located 1 minutes walk from Peel camping facilities and there are plenty of Museums, cafe's and entertainment located throughout the town of Peel.